Kamis, 18 Juni 2015



Arina Izataki Fuady, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo 
Program Studi Pendidikan Sains PPs UNY
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 

Evaluasi kesesuaian perkuliahan microteaching Pendidikan Fisika terhadap KKNI di UIN Sunan Kalijaga ini dengan model stake menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diketahui (1) kesesuaian perencanaan pembelajaran yang disusun oleh dosen terhadap pencapaian KKNI pendidikan fisika sebesar 45,45% termasuk dalam kategori cukup, (2) kesesuaian pelaksanaan perkuliahan yang dilaksanakan terhadap pencapaian KKNI pendidikan fisika sebesar 75,34% dengan terkategori sangat baik dan peran serta dosen terhadap pencapaian kemampuan mahasiswa terhadap KKNI sebesar 55,01% dengan kategori cukup, serta (3) kesesuaian penilaian yang dilakukan dosen terhadap pencapaian KKNI pendidikan fisika sebesar 72,73% dengan kategori baik. 

Kata kunci: evaluasi, perkuliahan microteaching, KKNI.

Cover Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan

Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

Welcoming speech to MSU 2015

Welcoming speech from the Director of the Graduate school, Yogyakarta State University to Michigan State University's Graduate Students

Assalamu’alaikum wr.,wb.,:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
The honorable delegates from Michigan State University, who are led by Prof. Lynn Paine, the Director and Assistant Dean for the Office of International Studies in Education (OISE) and also Prof. Laura Apol.

And all of the respectable Yogyakarta State University professors, faculty members, and students, as well as all of our invitees that I cannot mention one by one. Welcome to the Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University.

Alhamdulillah and praise for Allah the almighty for all His blessing that we can all gather in this beautiful morning to welcome our special guests from Michigan State University, the participants and leaders of the Fellowship to Enhance Global Understanding to Indonesia of 2015.

It is indeed a great honor for myself and the graduate school to host the 2015 FEGU from the College of Education, MSU. This opportunity is not an instant process that is bestowed upon us. It is a long process that is nurtured from both sides since 2013 when the first FEGU trip visited our campus as part of their program in Indonesia.  Even though it was only a one-day visit, our commitment to sustain this collaborative efforts and continue the partnership with MSU has come a long way. In 2014, our Rector, Vice Rector IV, and our own chair of the Research and Evaluation in Education in the graduate program came to MSU to continue the conversation of having a more engaging partnership between the two universities.

Honorable guests, although this is the second MSU visit to YSU, it is in fact, the first time that YSU fully responsible in hosting the MSU FEGU trip to Indonesia, and hopefully will not be the last!

Today, we are all here, once again, to strengthen the international partnership that will surely benefit both sides from our intensive interactions in the next 10 days we are together. Both MSU and YSU have so much that we can offerto each other, academically and culturally. We have two distinguished professors from MSU leading this year FEGU trip to Indonesia who can share their expertise in comparative and international research, and in the field of children and youth literacy. The MSU students also come from various backgrounds such teacher education, education administration, higher adult and lifelong education, education psychology, mathematics education and also science education that we can certainly benefit from.

From YSU, not only that we have involved the professors and other faculty members to be the host families, but we also invited 25 graduate students to be their buddies during their stay in Yogyakarta. This close interaction at home with the host families and with the buddies on campus will provide our MSU guests opportunities to learn the academic and cultural life of educators in Indonesia.

As a host, we have facilitated our MSU guests to have a meeting with the National Board of Education Standards and the Ministry of Education and Culture in Jakarta last week. We also facilitate their meetings with two centers at Gadjah Mada University: The center for peace and security; and also the center for religious and cross-cultural studies. Later this afternoon, we have arranged a meeting with UIN Sunan Kalijaga to meet with our guest to learn more about their interfaith dialogue programs.

In our own campus, to start with, we are going to have a lecture on teacher learning in Indonesia this morning, right (June 15, 2015) in this room.  During the week, we have arranged a one-day seminar: a joint presentation by YSU and MSU doctoral students to talk about the issues of national standards and evaluation, curriculum, and also teacher learning and professional development that have been trending topics in USA and Indonesia. We will also have a half-day workshop and presentation in the college of education, and in the college of language and arts.

In addition to that, we are taking our guest to see four different schools in the area. We have on our list: SD Model, a public school that has been a model to develop a quality elementary school; SMA 9 Yogya, a high school that has been our lab school for s quite a long time; SD Muhammadiyah Condong Catur, a model of a private school; and SMKN 1 Depok, a vocational school that is unique in comparison to a regular high school.

Our honorable guests, the fact that this is the first time for YSU to host a learning abroad program such as this, it will give us a model that can be adopted and later be developed for any other programs that are similar in nature be it with western universities or with our closer counterparts in Asia. This can also be a model for us to send our own graduate students abroad.

This great opportunity, of course, will be a starting point for other collaboration that we will have with MSU, for our faculty members and for students at the graduate school in particular, and at Yogyakarta State in general.

Last but not least, on behalf of the graduate school, I would like to thank the PPs's International Affairs and Partnership under the leadership of  Dwi S. Yuliyanto, MA who has facilitated all this effort. Also, everyone in the graduate school who are involved in making this collaboration to be a great success.

With this, I would like to officially open this engagement.

May Allah make everything easy for us and I wish all of us all the best, amin! Thank you very much.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr., Wb.

 Prof. Dr. Zuhdan K Prasetyo, M.Ed.

Minggu, 07 Juni 2015

Concurrent vs. Consecutive in Teachers Education Program

Concurrent Model:
Studi tentang pedagogy knowledge (pendidikan “umum”) dan subject-matter knowledge (bidang studi) dilakukan bersamaan. Model ini memberi pengalaman belajar yang lebih terpadu, yaitu karena  diantara keduanya (content knowledge) pendidikan dan bidang studi dilatihkan guru dalam waktu bersamaan.  Sebagai konsekuensi model ini, bagi orang yang tidak menempuh studi kependidikan, berkarir dalam profesi guru menjadi sempit. Di beberapa Negara, (diperkirakan Perancis dan Jerman) menggunakan model ini untuk guru sekolah dasar, sedangkan di Negara lain (Belgia, Kanada, Yunani, Hungaria, Irlandia, Itali, Jepang, Korea, Turki dan AS) juga menggunakannya untuk guru sekolah menengah.  Banyak kritik pada model pendidikan guru ini, termasuk di Indonesia, bekal bidang studi tidak kokoh/lemah.
 Consecutive Model:
Studi tentang pedagogy (pendidikan “umum”) dan tentang guru mengajar dilakukan setelah memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan pada subject-matter (bidang studi) tertentu yang diajarkan di sekolah. Model ini memberi pengalaman guru yang kuat dalam bidang studi pada disiplin keilmuannya. Model ini memberi peluang besar kepada berbagai disiplin ilmu berkarir dalam profesi guru. Model ini lebih banyak digunakan untuk guru sekolah menengah dari pada sekolah dasar, di banyak Negara seperti: Denmark, Perancis, Norwegia, Spanyol, Austria, Australia, Rep. Czech, Inggris, Finlandia, Irlandia, Israel, Belanda, Irlandia Utara, Skotlandia, Rep. Slovakia, Swedia, dan Wales.  Banyak kritik ditujukan pada model ini, lemah dalam memberi pengetahuan tentang learning techniques dan pedagogy in general. Demikian pula, identitas keprofesionalan sebagai guru bidang studi lemah karena learning process antara keduanya, subject-matter knowledge dan pedagogical knowledge terpisah.

Lee Shulman (1980 an) mengkritisi kedua model pendidikan guru tersebut, bahwa keduanya hanya focus pada subject-matter knowledge dan/atau pedagogical knowledge.  Shulman merekomendasikan penguatan pada didaktik metodik bidang studi (pedagogical content knowledge: PCK) yang umumnya diabaikan dalam pendidikan guru. Kini PCK berkembang menjadi kajian yang ngetrend di AS.  PCK diyakini menjadi inovasi dalam pembelajaran bidang studi apapun, karena justru PCK memberi peluang yang khas pada masing-masing bidang studi dan dapat dilaksanakan lebih efektif dalam proses pembelajaran. Konon, PCK berkembang dari adopsi Lesson Study  (LS) di Jepang.  Guru-guru belajar PCK tertentu dari seorang guru lain yang berhasil mengembangkan PCK  tersebut, hal ini mirip dengan guru-guru di Jepang dalam melaksanakan LS, yaitu para guru berbondong-bondong belajar pembelajaran materi tertentu pada guru lain (bahkan dengan bayar sekalipun?)

Yudisium PPs UNY Periode September 2014

Kumandang lagu Indonesia Raya dan Hymne UNY mengawali pembukaan acara yudisium periode September 2014 di Program Pascasarjana UNY. “Membangun Indonesia Menata Dunia”.
Kami selaku penegelola PPs UNY bangga dan sangat bersyukur atas semua prestasi yang telah diraih peserta yudisium kali ini. Karena dari 107 peserta yudisium sebanyak 48 mahasiswa berhasil meraih predikat cumlaude. Ucapan terima kasih dan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya kepada segenap dosen yang telah membimbing dan mentransfer ilmunya, serta kepada tenaga kependidikan yang telah membantu kelancaran dalam proses administrasi.

Foto Acara Yusisium PPs UNY Periode September 2014

Yudisium PPs UNY Periode Januari 2014

Pada awal tahun 2014, Program Pascasarjana UNY kembali menggelar upacara yudisium periode Januari. Yudisium periode Januari tersebut diikuti oleh 96 orang yang terdiri atas 85 orang lulusan magister dan 11 orang lulusan doktor. Yang paling istimewa pada acara tersebut adalah terdapat 31 lulusan berpredikat cumlaude.
Foto Yudisium PPs UNY Periode Januari 2014